A new Birthday joy

This golden month, amid shortening days, cooler evenings, golden leaves and birds departing, we are reminded that time itself…

This golden month, amid shortening days, cooler evenings, golden leaves and birds departing, we are reminded that time itself is on the wing - yet many this month celebrate heir birthdays with gratitude.

With song and laughter, gratitude and prayer, and glad recall of other harvests, we celebrate birthdays enhanced with the light of sacrament and scripture, the mystery and joy of Baptism - the sacred doorways admitting us into the saving mystery of Christ and to full adoption into God's own family.

We ask again for birthday gifts and graces, new beginnings, hearts made new, cleansing us from sin and infidelities, daily sustenance through the Word of God and the Eucharist and new hope through that marvellous gift of another year.

We recall the River Jordan experience where faithful, fearless John year after year prophetically prepared the way of the Lord. We recall when finally that year pointed to the "Lamb of God", the Saving Christ, and directed his hearers to follow him. What of us as we celebrate another year? Are we among those who are still living in the desert, cursing the darkness? Are we like Diana, Princess of Wales, leaving some fond memories, lighting some candles of hope to banish the millennium gloom?


Or are we like Mother Teresa, being a voice for the poor, the lonely, the dying of our time, bringing new hope to those in need in our world?

Our nature calls for signs that the senses can reach - words, water, oil, bread, wine, exchange of rings, laying on of hands - all of which help the mind to absorb realities deeper far than the material objects we touch. Christ reaches us with love unbounded and with wondrous power. Using his own spoken image, we are as a poor quality branch grafted on to a superb vine. We become one with him. Through prayer, sacrament and reading his Word, we share his life's blood. In this unity we ask for pardon, peace and hope and receive it.

"Happy Birthday" music speaks of new time, exciting grace and joyful amendment with a clear and generous heart made wonderfully new each year. At the River Jordan Jesus was and remains forever "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world . . . the Saving Christ." As we grow older and the years seem to roll by more quickly, we ask Jesus in birthday joy, "Where dwellest thou now?" Jesus answers: "I dwell in the deep places of your heart where I support you in disappointment, give you light in your darkness, forgive you in your sin, and encourage you in your love. I will be with you always.

Happy Birthday!"

Heavenly Father and God of Mercy,

You wash away our sins in water,

And give us new birth in the Spirit.

We no longer look for Jesus among the dead

For He is alive and is the Lord of life.

From the waters of death you raise us with Him

And renew your gift of life within us.

Increase in our minds and hearts

The Risen Life we share with Christ.

Help us to grow as your people

Towards the fullness of Eternal

Life with You.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.