Amid our darkness we seek joy

A command from Paul: "Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say: Rejoice!" In the deep places of the heart we make our Advent …

A command from Paul: "Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say: Rejoice!" In the deep places of the heart we make our Advent prayer:

"What we have darkened heal with light

And what we have destroyed make whole"

St Luke shows two aspects of our Saviour's life. We walk with Mary, first and most faithful disciple of Christ. We are led to the River Jordan that we may listen to John. We start our pilgrim journey from our broken condition, or we do not start at all. Advent Scripture guides us in prayer made new to a fresh awareness of timeless Truth. Rejoice! The Lord is close at hand!


With the eager crowds we listen to the Baptist. His message is urgent and most clear. No room for self deception: "The axe is ready to cut down trees at the very roots. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire!" Aroused from our chosen amnesia we ask: What, then are we to do?

In a healing stillness, conscience and Scripture answer: "If today we hear God's voice let us not harden our hearts!" John was not fit to untie Christ's sandals! How ready are we for Christmas Grace? As winnowing takes place how much of this dying year will count as useless chaff for burning? How much as golden wheat for the granaries of God?

Souls and Chances meet! Our prayer-filled Advent Day can create light-filled Sacrament from each present moment. What are we to do? Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening! Amid the beauty of Advent candles, Christmas carols and sacred music we seek no flight from reality. With shepherds and with kings we make a questing journey into truth.

No piety is true unless it shapes a constant readiness to do, here and now, what Christ asks. "Those who have ears to hear, let them hear! By this will all know we are His disciples - if we have love one for another!"

Christmas means deep challenge and profound joy. Our Bethlehem call is to a joy-filled seeking for Christ. At each step of the way we rejoice, with a joy no one can take from us. To those whose lives we touch, we must, each Advent day, bring happiness, and hope and peace. Walking in the Light of Christ we will succeed.

Scripture awakens us to holiness and to hope. The Saviour comes to pardon and to heal, not to threaten and condemn. "Sing aloud! Rejoice with all your heart. The Lord takes away the judgement against you. He is close! He will renew you in his love!" With Mary we sing our canticle of gratitude and praise. He that is mighty does great things for us. Holy is His name! Close to the Mother of our Saviour we walk in faith towards Bethlehem seeking Him who alone can give us redeeming joy.

Loving merciful Father, Giver of every good gift, Let not our daily work nor our many cares

Prevent us from hastening in Joy

To meet Christ your Son.

By the prayer of Mary His Mother,

Enlighten us with your wisdom,

And lead us, made clean from every sin,

Into His Blessed company.

We ask this, Through Christ Our Lord


Come . . . Lord Jesus!
