Another Referendum On Abortion?

Sir, - With regard to Joe Foyle's personal attack on Prof William Binchy (January 21st), The Pro-Life Campaign has repeatedly…

Sir, - With regard to Joe Foyle's personal attack on Prof William Binchy (January 21st), The Pro-Life Campaign has repeatedly called for calm, informed debate and respect for others contributing to it. We are saddened that Joe Foyle saw fit to write in such a vein and that you saw fit to print his letter.

The Supreme Court, in the X Case, allowed for direct termination of pregnancy in quite wide circumstances, including threatened suicide, with no time limit and without the benefit of medical evidence. Apart from Prof Binchy and the vast majority of informed commentators, regardless of their views on the issue, the late Mr Justice Brian Walsh, one of the most eminent legal minds in the history of the State, saw a referendum as necessary to overturn the X Case, which he personally deplored.

The only reason the Court's abhorrent decision has not led to direct abortions in Irish hospitals is because the Medical Council continues to classify it as professional misconduct. At present there is an unsatisfactory situation where the law of the land does not support medical ethics.

A referendum is required to overturn the X Case and safeguard the protection of the unborn child. Opinion polls show that a majority of Irish people want to have the matter addressed by referendum. A majority of all local authorities, including 79 per cent of county councils, made the same request, as did also the Catholic Bishops. - Yours, etc.,


Ruth Cullen, Education Officer, Pro-Life Campaign, Gardiner Street Upper, Dublin 1.