Attempts to streamline quangos will give plenty to Carp about

NEWTON'S OPTIC: Letters seen by this column show the subtle bargaining process of cutbacks, writes Emerson Newton.

NEWTON'S OPTIC:Letters seen by this column show the subtle bargaining process of cutbacks, writes Emerson Newton.

Dear Stakeholders,

To streamline service delivery and meet the economic challenges ahead, the Department of Justice proposes merging the Equality Authority, the Human Rights Commission and the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner into a single new Combined Authority for Rights Protection (Carp).

I am putting this proposal out to consultation and look forward to your response.


Dermot Ahern,

Minister for Justice

Dear Dermot,

The Equality Authority welcomes your proposal but I would remind you that our role is defined in law under the equality Acts.

Depriving us of equal status with other quangos may constitute an offence that could lead to a substantial fine or a term of imprisonment.

Neil Crawley,

Equality Authority

Dear Dermot,

The Human Rights Commission welcomes your proposal but I must point out that we were set up under the auspices of the Belfast Agreement. Abolishing the commission could breach that agreement, resulting in a return to violence in the North. While in no way wishing to sound hysterical, I am quite certain that you do not want the blood of innocent people on your hands.

Morris Minor,

Human Rights Commission

Dear Dermot,

I have typed up a detailed response to your proposal. Unfortunately, I am unable to send it to you as it is now stored on my computer.

Willy Starling,

Data Protection Office

Dear Stakeholders,

Following some initial hostility, I would like to reassure you that my proposal does not involve any job losses or pay cuts. I hope this will ensure a more positive response.

Dermot Ahern,

Minister for Justice

Dear Dermot,

I am afraid that this issue goes beyond job losses and pay cuts. We must also consider the impact on our careers. Who will be the "chief" commissioner in this new organisation? Or will there be a new top post? We will be ridiculed at international equality conferences if we are seen as no better than common civil servants.

Neil Crawley,

Equality Authority

Dear Dermot,

I would remind you that the Paris Principles on national human rights organisations require that they be separate and independent. There are currently 63 such bodies around the world and under your proposal I do not see how I could apply for a better job with any of them.

Morris Minor,

Human Rights Commission

Dear Dermot,

You are in no position to discuss my salary as our payroll system is stored on a computer.

Willy Starling,

Data Protection Office

Dear Stakeholders,

In light of your concerns, I can confirm that Carp will have a new chief executive in overall control of the organisation's cross-cutting priorities. This will be a high-profile post that is sure to attract international attention as Ireland pioneers an innovative single-agency approach to rights-based equality protection in the information age.

Dermot Ahern,

Minister for Justice

Dear Dermot,

You will always find me equal to the challenge.

Neil Crawley,

Equality Authority

Dear Dermot,

The right man is surely a rights man.

Morris Minor,

Human Rights Commission

Dear Dermot,

Please find my CV attached to this e-mail.

Willy Starling,

Data Protection Office