Happy birthday

Pentecost makes us new. We celebrate in joy the birthday of our Church

Pentecost makes us new. We celebrate in joy the birthday of our Church. Paul reminds us that as we share in the gifts and graces we must accept the challenge and the call. Our celebration speaks of baptism and of confirmation. We are reminded of cleansing water, of consecrating oil, of radiant light and of spotless robe. "Be sealed with the Holy Spirit! ... What now of the great promises and of the many hopes? This Pentecost we take new courage because still.

The world is charged with the grandeur of God". Much is dark. We do not despair. "Because the Holy Ghost over the bent/World broods with warm breath/And with, Ah! bright wings".

Of ourselves we cannot so much as say "Jesus is Lord!". Without the grace of the Holy Spirit we, so weak, cannot pray. We are granted sincere words to utter. The waste land in the heart begins to bloom. The scripture story of the first Pentecost outlines a new way of life as the Babel Tower tragedy is healed. The disciples are revealed as united in prayer, in genuine charity, in the breaking of the bread and with Mary the Mother of Jesus. A Methodist scholar (Rev. J. Neville Ward) reminds us that she is always a figure of the Church in Christian tradition. As always she points to Christ and leads to Him. She was the first of that group on whom the Spirit descended. Now we can share in her fidelity and in her joy.

Our Pentecost can lead us from selfish coldness to generous love and from our deadly darkness into healing light. God gives us wings but we do not soar. We forget that all grace is given for action. Paul does not want us to be people of self chosen amnesia, unaware of our identity, oblivious of our pilgrim purpose, and of our journey's end. He is bluntly insistent: "Extinguish not the Spirit of God by whom you are sealed . .. Let all bitterness and anger be put away from you and all malice ... Be filled with the Holy Spirit!"


Songs of praise echo Gospel truth in every heart.

The Spirit is a fountain clear

Forever leaping to the sky, chose waters give unending life

Whose timeless source is never dry.

On this joy filled Birth Day of the Christian family we look at the map of our once made Pilgrim journey. We go forward in courage with faith and hope made new. "Father of light from whom comes every good gift, send your Holy Spirit into our lives with the power of a mighty wind. By the flaming fire of our healing wisdom open the horizons of our minds. Bless our tongues to speak sincerely in praise and in prayer. Inspire us with words beyond the power of speech, for without your Holy Spirit we could never raise our voices in words of peace or announce, by our lives, the Truth that Jesus is Lord"

Come O Holy Spirit!