Have your say: Should Irish voters pass the same-sex marriage referendum?

Head to Head: Readers are invited to join the conversation

In separate articles in IrishTimes/ Opinion, Independent TDs Maureen O’Sullivan and Mattie McGrath argue the case for and against same-sex marriage. Photograph: Getty Images

In separate articles in IrishTimes/Opinion, Independent TDs Maureen O’Sullivan and Mattie McGrath argue the case for and against same-sex marriage.

Maureen O’Sullivan writes that same-sex marriage is a human right. She argues that far from undermining the institution of marriage, as some have argued, in fact the introduction of same-sex marriage would affirm it.

Mattie McGrath writes that if the referendum passes, in future the State couldn’t take a constitutional or legislative stance in relation to a vision of the family which would prioritise the parental roles of mothers and fathers.

Read their pieces and have your say below