July 17th, 1934

FROM THE ARCHIVES: An article on Irish unification in 1934 by a Northerner using the pseudonym An t-Ultach sparked off a lengthy…

FROM THE ARCHIVES:An article on Irish unification in 1934 by a Northerner using the pseudonym An t-Ultach sparked off a lengthy correspondence in The Irish Times which was notable for the high level of discussion and the wide range of opinions it attracted, including this surprisingly positive view of reunification from the Ulster Fascists, although under an umbrella that was unlikely on several counts. The Ulster Fascists were a tiny group allied to Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists and had links with some elements of the Blueshirts in the South although efforts to formalise connections between them fell apart.

Irish Unity Sir, – It is without doubt a healthy sign for Ireland’s future to see the candid exchange of views and expressions of opinions on this vital subject of Irish unity.

Only too few of our papers have the true interests of the nation at heart; but those which have, and are free from warped ideas on the subject, are to be congratulated upon giving space to Irishmen (North and South) to express their opinions.

There is no doubt that many thousands at present identified with various “party” organisations are at long last thinking on the right lines. The sooner they overcome the few still remaining obstacles and get together, the better. Then a band of level-headed, broad-minded and truly “Irish” Irishmen can get down to the vital task of putting the nation, as such, upon its feet and into its rightful place.


There will be considerable opposition from all quarters, and the vested interests, who have for so long “meddled” and “muddled” the nation’s business, will make strenuous efforts to prevent or upset any such movement for unity.

Let us, therefore, encourage this “getting together,” and meanwhile leave aside such minor matters as [previous correspondents] Mr Walker’s “Kings” or Giolla na Feinne’s “past history,” or Politicus’s and Northerner’s “illustrations” and “crocodile tears,” and even Mr Sefton O’Neill’s “ifs”, until such times as we have solved and overcome the chief obstacle – viz, the barrier of class and creed.

Irishmen have united on the field of battle . . . the field of sport and play for Ireland.

This unity already exists in the ranks of the Ulster Blackshirts, where that baneful root of all Irish disruption – barriers of class and creed – has been removed, and where, under Fascism, all ranks meet as man to man irrespective of class or creed.

As Fascists, we also resent the Border across our country, and believe it constitutes an insurmountable barrier to peace, and prosperity in Ireland.

We salute “Non-Fascists” who are striving in the right direction to end this hopeless state of things in Ireland, and to get things moving, and by the “right direction” we mean Ireland a nation . . . within the British Commonwealth of Fascist nations. – Yours, etc, Job Stott, Staff Officer i/c Publicity.

Ulster Fascists, St George’s Hall, Belfast, July 16th, 1934.

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