100 years of Irish scouting

Madam, - Thanks to Frank McNally for his honest and positive account of scouting in Ireland, (An Irishman's Diary, June 28th…

Madam, - Thanks to Frank McNally for his honest and positive account of scouting in Ireland, (An Irishman's Diary, June 28th). Since its arrival in Ireland in 1908, the scout movement has now given a century of service to the country. More than that, it has given fun, friendship and challenge to hundreds of thousands of young people. I should know: I was one of them.

So from me to Scouting Ireland, thank you for what you have done for me, what you have done for our country, and what I know you are going to do for hundreds of thousands more young people for at least another hundred years.

Is there any chance now that this Irish Government might acknowledge that service in a very tangible way? - Yours, etc,

Cllr DERMOT LACEY, Beech Hill Drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.