Sir, – The number of letters and articles on the merits of the Leaving Certificate and the CAO peak each year in early June as students sit the State exams.
While the points made in the paper about the fairness of the exam or the use of results to gain entry to higher education are all valid, I wonder might it be better to leave the young people alone.
Nothing will change this week or next for those in the class of 2022.
Might the forthcoming citizens’ assembly on education offer a more appropriate forum to discuss the issues? Could such a national conversation on the purposes of education help us see the big picture?
Marty Morrissey gets an A+ in new football rules, even if some pundits aren’t yet sold
Breda O’Brien: Nicole Kidman’s Babygirl isn’t the ‘hottest film this year’. It might be among the most depressing
High noon for developer Paddy Kelly, who faces run-in with the sheriff over unpaid rent arrears
Pat Leahy: Angry Dáil scenes were partly the result of Sinn Féin’s determination to be a more aggressive Opposition
– Yours, etc,
School of Education,
University College Dublin.