Harding hits the spot

Bundoran memories

Sir, – As a 50 per cent Bundoranite (the other half is Dub), I thoroughly enjoyed Michael Harding’s article about this jewel of the northwest (Life, June 22nd).

It brought back a zillion memories: standing with teeth chattering as my mother vigorously towelled me after a dip in the Atlantic; fishing for crabs in the rock pools which were teeming with life; learning to swim in the Horse Pool, so-called because it was in the shape of a horse’s head; chipping nodules of lead from the limestone near the Fairy Bridges and Puffing Hole; playing endlessly in the huge expanse of dunes at Tullan Strand etc.

Thank you, Michael, you made my day and revived memories which I thought were asleep for ever. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 11.