Inflation and the rising cost of living

A price to pay

Sir, – Having filled the tank at a price of over €2 a litre at a local garage, I found myself thinking of an old conspiracy theory about oil companies suppressing the discovery of a way to run an engine on water, and wishing the design would be found and released to the market. In the garage shop, I picked up a half-litre bottle of water. It cost €2. I suppose we should be careful what we wish for. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6W.

Sir, – My daughter returned to Ireland from France by ferry on Sunday. On board, at breakfast a 30g carton (variety-pack size) with milk was on sale at €6.90. Later in the voyage, the family had four pizzas and five mineral waters which came to €90.


Is this practice in situ to acclimatise visitors and remind returning natives of how expensive Ireland has become? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.