Offshoring healthcare

A place in the sun

Sir, – I read that a new 64-bed hospital in Alicante, Spain, at a cost of €60 million (€1 million per bed), will be used by the HSE to treat Irish patients. At the same time our nation is building a 473-bed national children’s hospital at a projected cost of €1,730 million (€3.7 million per bed). Perhaps it is time to accept defeat and move all of the HSE to the Costa Blanca? We would save billions annually and patients could return to Ireland relaxed and refreshed, with a suntan. –Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


Sir, – Does the outsourcing of hip, knee and eye surgery to a dedicated hospital in Spain presage other initiatives?

Offshoring the homeless, refugees, and the elderly to warmer climes would require legislation which – in honour of that master of absurdity – should be known as the Flann O’Brien Cross Border Directive. – Yours, etc,


Gaoth Dobhair,

Co Dhún na nGall.