Sporting nicknames

Drico and Keano

Sir, – I was intrigued when listening to Johnny Sexton being interviewed after the stupendous win over the All Blacks and talking about the decision taken by “Cheese”, aka James Ryan, to go for the line and then shortly afterwards referring to “Faz” ‚aka Andy Farrell, when mentioning the coach.

It was interesting to note thereafter a reporter addressing the Irish coach as “Andy” and not by the sobriquet “Faz”!

It appears that some sort of linguistic virus now infects soccer, rugby and GAA players when referring to fellow players in their code; Brian O’Driscoll as “Drico”, Colm Cooper as “Gooch”, Paul Gascoigne as “Gazza” and Roy Keane as “Keano”.

I have yet to hear golfers alluding to their fellow golfers in the same manner. I have no recollection of ever hearing of Tiger Woods being described as “Woodie”, of Rory McIlroy as “Macker” or Shane Lowry as “Lowro”. Maybe the golfers have had their second booster shot and are immune to the linguistic virus! – Yours, etc,




Co Meath.