Sir, – Progressive cutbacks in children’s services have reached a new low in recent days with the removal of essential developmental check-ups for infants and young toddlers. It should not need to be emphasised to the HSE that if feeding, speech or mobility issues are caught early in children, then the interventions performed are more effective and much less expensive. This so-called prioritisation system is in fact the absolute opposite of what it proclaims. Those “priority” or “vulnerable” children are in fact the least likely to come to the attention of health services without these checks being routine for all. Relying on parents to always know what is normal for their child’s age and development is likely to have the most negative impacts on those families who are already at risk.
This is a disastrous move that will further compound inequality of outcomes for Irish children. Society should be protecting our weakest and most vulnerable citizens, not withdrawing essential services.
Reinstate the service. It will improve outcomes for children’s health. It will save money. I implore the HSE to reverse this retrograde step. – Yours, etc,
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Dublin 6.