Sir, – I really enjoyed Alison Healy’s article about rogue socks (Diary, July 23rd). Many years ago my sister fell in love; the only problem was that she lived here in Belfast and he lived in England so they visited each other when they could. My sister’s now husband came to visit but sometimes she had to go to work and with the rest of us at school or work, and he was left at home with Mammy.
Her solution to keep him occupied was to get him to match up the socks, and given that there were 24 feet in our house, that was no easy task!
They have been happily married for 48 years so he mustn’t have been too traumatised! – Yours, etc,
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Sir, – With reference to Alison Healy’s piece, in our house in Co Down the hunt would be for the “fellow” of an odd sock. – Yours,etc,
Co Dublin.