Sir, – Behind AIB’s recent ill-conceived and inappropriate plan (fortunately abandoned) to introduce cashless banking at 70 of its branches lie more fundamental and worrying ethical issues. These include the rights and privacy of the individual in relation to their personal finances as to how, where and on what they choose to spend their money.
The stigmatising of cash and cash users (usually the more mature and, no doubt, more experienced age groups) is promoted by powerful, faceless financial and technological interests who stand most to benefit from the demise of cash.
Such bodies, motivated merely by profit and control, are perhaps becoming more powerful than any individual banking company, even of national governments.
A cashless society will be at their mercy and will serve merely to further enrich and empower these modern-day gold diggers at the expense of the individual citizen. – Yours, etc,
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We built a bungalow on what was initially a boggy patch in my parents’ sloped front garden in Kerry
Dublin 6.
Sir, – The political reaction to the recent AIB proposal markedly contrasts with the political reaction to Bank of Ireland’s closure of 80 branches nationwide. – Yours, etc,
Co Roscommon.
Sir , – This week I had occasion to attend for some hospital appointments in Dublin. Unfortunately, hospital appointments usually involve long periods of waiting, so it is to be expected that patients, probably unwell in some way, would seek out some kind of sustenance.
I joined the self service queue in the restaurant of the Mater Private and choose a bowl of soup. When I offered the relevant cash to the cashier, I was shocked to be informed that they could not accept cash, that the hospital have recently introduced a “cards only” policy. This was confirmed by a manager.
I question the right of any business to refuse cash, given that cash is still legal tender. However, hospitals of their nature cater for patients with various illnesses, and that a hospital restaurant would refuse cash payment “takes the biscuit”. – Yours, etc,
Co Roscommon.