Risks to energy supply

Evening peaks

Sir, – The energy regulator has published proposed measures designed to curb peak electricity demand over the winter (“Regulator calls for electricity-use tariffs during evening peak amid ‘significant risks’ to supply”, News, August 19th).

This highlights the tight capacity margin we face over the coming months and how crucial demand customer actions, both large and small, will be in avoiding system blackouts.

Ireland’s Demand Side Vision 2020 is long out of date since it was published in 2011.

We urgently need to have a cohesive set of measures in place to properly incentivise demand customer participation in the electricity system.


It is time we finally develop a sensible demand-side strategy as called for in the climate action plan and ensure the right measures are in place to meet both our security of supply and decarbonisation needs. – Yours, etc,



Demand Response

Association of Ireland,

Dublin 2.

Sir, – Being asked to help reduce electricity consumption at peak mealtime, we could do worse than take a lead from D’Unbelievables!

Some years ago they had it right when they advised: “To give us a clear run at deh day, we had deh dinner at half eight in deh morning”. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.