Sir, – The form that Robert Troy had such difficulty completing correctly is freely available on the Standards in Public Office Commission website (“Fianna Fáil TD amends register of interests and apologises for ‘errors and omissions’”, News, August 18th).
It is a short and simple form, and it is made clear what “land (including property)” interests must be declared:
“The following interests shall be registrable: any interest in land of yours . . . the value of which exceeded €13,000 at any time during the appropriate period (ie January 1st to December 31, 2021) . . . If you own more than one home, you should register any home which is not occupied by you . . . Rental income from land and/or property in excess of €2,600 during the stated period is declarable.”
It is worrying that a holder of such high office was confused by this rather simple instruction. – Yours, etc,
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Co Cork.