As pleased as punch

Home remedy

Sir, – I had a dreadful night of coughing. My chest was sore.

I was a sick man.

On St Stephen’s morning, I was in very poor condition.

Suddenly, I though of my late Auntie Nora! She always advised “punch” for a condition such as mine.


So that morning I boiled a kettle, poured a standard measure of Jameson whiskey, added a little lemon juice, a few cloves, a little honey and a few grains of brown sugar and consumed it.

It hit the spot in my chest at once and I felt it would work. There was a warm “glow”.

I repeated this cocktail as I sat at a roaring fire in the afternoon watching the Leopardstown races.

I was already feeling better.

I took a third dose going to bed at 10pm.

I slept for 10 hours in great comfort and woke up without any chest or throat discomfort.

I was cured!

I offer Aunt Nora’s recipe to your readers, with great respect to the medical profession and the pharmaceutical business! It works! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 5.