Court ruling on extending the franchise for Seanad university panels

A welcome development

Sir, – The Supreme Court’s judgment that the Oireachtas must extend the franchise for Seanad university panels is a welcome one (“University of Limerick graduate wins Supreme Court appeal over Seanad election voting”, News, March 31st). It has been 44 years since the 1979 referendum where people voted to extend votes to all graduates for these panels but disgracefully this was never acted upon. This year also marks 10 years since Ireland narrowly voted to keep the Seanad in 2013.

I was proud to campaign for its retention with the expectation that it would be reformed.

The Seanad will never be a wholly credible democratic house until we see the extension of votes to every citizen. – Yours, etc,



Baile Bhúirne,

Co Cork.