Garden birds and protecting biodiversity

We can all play a part

Sir, – Birdwatch Ireland’s Garden Bird Survey is an excellent example of how citizen science can be used to monitor bird populations. The survey, which has been running for over 30 years, allows members of the public to record sightings of birds in their gardens. The data collected has helped to identify changes in bird populations and has provided valuable insights into the factors affecting bird biodiversity in Ireland.

The Irish Times has highlighted the importance of bird biodiversity and the need to take action to protect it. Efforts must be made to address the causes of bird population decline, including habitat loss, climate change, and human activities. Improved legal protection and habitat management are also necessary to safeguard the future of bird populations in Ireland. Citizen science initiatives, such as the Garden Bird Survey, provide valuable data and insights into the status of bird populations, which can inform conservation efforts. By working together, we can protect the bird biodiversity of Ireland and preserve its ecological health for future generations. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.