Dogs and beaches

Owners must be responsible

Sir, – Your article “Dog dirt the biggest contributor to poor quality Dublin bathing water” (News, October 11th) highlights one aspect of the negative impact which dogs are having on the amenity of Dublin’s beaches. Whereas I suspect only a small minority of dog owners are irresponsible, the extent of the soiling of the foreshore of local beaches in Killiney and Sandycove is disgusting, together with the impact on water quality. That dogs remain permitted off the lead on what are busy beaches (particularly in the summer time) with small children is very frustrating. The vast majority of dog owners will be careful to supervise their pets but we have seen too many instances of dogs off leads approaching and in some instances jumping on young children far from their owners.

Although undoubtedly intended as playful for the most part, not all children are confident with dogs and the experience in those cases is a frightening one. By requiring dogs to remain on a lead, it would eliminate this issue while ensuring people remain free to walk their dogs, as they are entitled to. It must be time to prioritise the enjoyment of the human users of our beaches. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.