Racing the Connemara train

Volunteers restoring some 8km of scenic Galway-Clifden railway at Maam Cross

Sir, – Marion Walsh refers to her uncle racing the old Galway-Clifden railway on his bike (Letters, November 3rd).

She might be interested to know that there will be an opportunity to once again race the Connemara train. We volunteers are currently restoring some 8km of the spectacularly scenic Galway-Clifden railway at Maam Cross – as a family visitor attraction. Once again, it will be possible to enjoy rail travel in a heritage train through the stunning scenery.

Incidentally, her uncle won because in those days the Clifden train was “mixed”, ie passengers, goods and livestock, and trains spent a lot of time at intermediate stations, Moycullen, Ross, Oughterard, Maam Cross, Recess and Ballinahinch – servicing this remote region’s transport needs. – Yours, etc,



director, Connemara Railway Project at Maam Cross.