Parisian Gaeltacht

Irish language and the diaspora

A chara, – Éanna Ó Caollaí's article was very interesting (“Census 2022 : Gaeltacht population on the increase”, News, December 20th). On a national level, the Irish language is enjoying a revival in Ireland, however the census doesn’t cover the amazing growth of the Irish language and its use beyond Ireland, particularly among the Irish diaspora.

Conradh na Gaeilge is supporting this with help to clubs worldwide and their annual Trasna na dTonnta, international cyber Gaeltacht. The Irish Government is also helping with its emigrant support programme.

Here in France the media (France 24) has noticed the surge in Irish language speakers and the use of the language in community events – they have even called it a renaissance! We don’t have census statistics for all the Irish speakers in France but the local Paris Gaeltacht (An Ghaeltacht-sur-Seine), is celebrating its 15th year in 2024 and has more than 500 Paris based Irish speakers on its mailing list. The Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris has more than 100 students for their successful Irish language course accredited to Maynooth University.

The spoken Irish language is part of the Franco-Irish community here in Paris, with weekly occasions to speak the language on social nights, a song club, a choir and a book club. In November there is the local Gaeltacht’s annual festival of the Irish language, an tSamhain-sur-Seine, with hundreds attending over three weeks. Events include a film night, a quiz, a céilí, concert, Mass in Irish, a night with our Breton cousins, and of course, being a French Gaeltacht, a visit to the annual Paris Wine Fair. All great opportunities to socialise and converse in Irish.


Teanga Merriman i dtír Molière! Nollaig Shona! – Le gach dea-ghuí,


Reachtaire, An Ghaeltacht-sur-Seine,


An Fhrainc.