Bottle banks

The scourge of fly-tipping

Sir, – Bottle banks are a most convenient facility. Post-Christmas they will become well used for recycling the contents of our excess of over-indulgence. I paid my first visit to my local bottle bank, and what I found there disappointed me no end. Already the fly-tippers had dumped their rubbish beside the bottle banks.

I have had to make alternative arrangements on a number of occasions due to this disgraceful behaviour. As most supermarkets allow recycling facilities in their car parks, they will inevitably stop the collection agencies from using their spaces as they have no obligation to clean up after the fly-tippers, thereby causing those responsible for using the facility to have to drive elsewhere to dispose of their bottles in an environmentally responsible manner.

To those who engage in this disgusting habit, I say shame on you.

Stop it now. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.