Closing city streets is a sign of failure

Poor policing and urban management

Sir, – Dublin City Council has decided on the closure of a public way (“Dublin city centre street closed down due to drugs and crime”, News, January 8th).

This is a lazy answer to the results of poor policing and urban management.

The city manager should use his power to manage more rigorously for the benefit of the civil population.

Harbour Court is just one of the many laneways in the city which have been allowed to sink to this disgusting level of menace and filth.


The degradation is creeping from the laneways onto the streets as tents appear and we are expected to accept this as an aspect of modern city life.

It is not good management and the council is remiss in its duty if it does not restore all our capital to the free access of all the nation’s citizens. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.