Sir, – For as long as I can remember, your crosswords have been an institution in our house. My parents would battle it out against each other – a race to complete, with challenges over the validity of answers. Simply put, the day couldn’t start without a look at the crossword. When my parents went on holidays, we, the kids, were required to fax the crossword to the hotel they were staying (pre-internet).
When my father passed away before Covid, my mother continued the routine. Sadly, my mother recently passed away, and I wanted to thank you and the team for endless hours of entertainment, competition and joy you’ve provided my parents over the years. – Yours, etc,
New Irish citizens: ‘I hear the racist and xenophobic slurs on the streets. Everything is blamed on immigrants’
Jack Reynor: ‘We were in two minds between eloping or going the whole hog but we got married in Wicklow with about 220 people’
‘I could have gone to California. At this rate, I probably would have raised about half a billion dollars’
Ballsbridge mews formerly home to Irish musician for €1.95m