Sir, – The publication – or rather, leaking – of the report of the Housing Commission (“Housing Commission report suggests underlying housing deficit of up to 256,000 homes”, News, May 21st) seems to me to open up the question of whether consideration should be given to establishing a new capital for this country, far separated from the immediate environs of Dublin, on the lines of the initiatives taken by such countries as Brazil (Brasília) or Australia (Canberra).
I would suggest tentatively somewhere like Athlone – or perhaps, in the context of a possible reunited Ireland, such a centre as Armagh. After all, where are these further 250,000 homes that are declared to be required to be constructed? Surely not in the already overcrowded Dublin area? For one thing, there is a looming water shortage – in the absence of the construction of any pipeline up from the Shannon!
If one could shift all governmental and parliamentary activity out of the Dublin area, that could result in a most beneficial rebalancing of the population. – Yours, etc,
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Regius Professor of Greek (Emeritus),
Trinity College Dublin,
Dublin 2.