It takes courage to stand for election

Credit where credit is due

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – I’m thinking, as the counts grind slowly to their conclusion, of the brave women and men who have fought in these elections, most of them knowing, whether elected or not, there would not be huge honour and glory for themselves; men and women who want to achieve benefits for and be of service to their communities and Ireland; women and men who are brave enough to face the nastiness of social media, and all too often the argumentative and interrupting interrogation they receive at the hands of the broadcast media. And I would like them to know that I, a solitary voter and returned exile, hugely appreciate their idealism, their hard work, and their dedication to their causes (whether or not I like or am in agreement with those causes), and to our country. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.