Subscriber OnlyLetters

Asylum seekers and homelessness

We need more light on a growing crisis

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Kitty Holland highlighted the many barriers faced by persons in leaving International Protection Accommodation Service (Ipas) accommodation, which was the subject of an ESRI report (“Number of homeless asylum seekers passes 2,000 for first time, new figures show”, News, June 11th). However, the ESRI report fails to give a breakdown between persons granted refugee status, subsidiary protection and leave to remain.

Given that Minister for Justice Helen McEntee granted leave to remain to more than 3,000 persons in 2022 that were more than two years in the asylum process at the time (as recommended by Catherine Day in her original 2020 report on ending direct provision), it might behove the ESRI to investigate how many of this cohort remain in Ipas accommodation. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 13.