Subscriber OnlyLetters

Reading on the bus

Back on schedule

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott

Sir, – As a long-time Dublin Bus passenger, I thought I had seen it all. But this morning when the driver of a packed bus pulled in for an unscheduled stop in Knocklyon, he promptly took out a paperback and began to read. No passenger boarded or alighted. Five minutes later the bus was still parked-up, with the driver engrossed in his novel.

It is unfathomable that drivers routinely pull in and dawdle to “get back on schedule” sometimes more than once on a single journey! Do Dublin Bus really need weary passengers to point out the obvious? That a sane schedule would not allow for, nor indeed encourage, a driver to pull in and read a book midway through a journey. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.