Subscriber OnlyLetters

Time for compulsory voting in elections

Civic duty

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – It is time to make voting in elections compulsory. Many countries do; Australia had a turnout of 92 per cent at its last election.

By contrast, our last general election in 2020 had a turnout of just under 63 per cent, and the recent local and European elections had a shade over 50 per cent turnout.

The recent British general election saw the Labour Party win a huge number of seats, but voter turnout was about 60 per cent.

This is not democracy. We need to make voting compulsory.


Those who disagree can turn up and spoil their ballot paper, if that is how they wish to register a protest. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.