Subscriber OnlyLetters

Olympics 2072

No time like the present

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Regarding Senator Malcolm Byrne’s suggestion of Ireland staging the Olympic Games and the necessary planning toward having the required infrastructure in place, I suggest consideration as a venue of Poll na bPéist (the Wormhole) on Inis Mór, the largest of the Aran Islands. Its surrounding crags would provide a perfect venue for boulder and speed climbing. The Wormhole itself would be ideal for high diving, water polo and artistic swimming; sailing races could be held nearby, with a guarantee of windy conditions.

Unfortunately, swimming races could not be accommodated in the Wormhole due to its dimensions (25m X 10m) not satisfying Olympic 50m standards. This was due to lack of forward planning when the Hole was created some 350 million years ago. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.