Subscriber OnlyLetters

Good to hear your voice?

Digital voice assistant

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – On Saturday morning, I telephoned my mobile provider to discuss my current plan and potentially secure a more favourable rate. After some time, the call was answered by a male who introduced himself by name and described himself as a voice assistant. I thought his tone rather jaunty for 9.25am, but I digress. All efforts to advise this assistant as to the nature of my call were unsuccessful so I politely requested a human. Clearly, umbrage was taken as he pithily suggested that I was having difficulty and terminated the call. My next strategy in securing a person was to call my provider’s local retail outlet in the hope they might have a suggestion. When this call was answered, I could not believe my ears. Yes, the aforementioned voice assistant, still in high spirits and still eager to help. Were it not for the early hour, I might have been forced to pour a glass of Malbec. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.