Subscriber OnlyLetters

Unity as a political objective

Wise to make preparations

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – “They still don’t get it” is how Ian d’Alton began his letter (September 27th) regarding Leo Varadkar’s statement advocating Irish unity as an objective, rather than an aspiration (“Leo Varadkar: ‘All trends point towards Irish unification in the next few decades’”, News, September 26th).

He states that northern unionists do not envisage themselves, ever, as citizens of an Irish republic. What is his advice to northern nationalists who do? Should we respect a unionist veto in perpetuity? Ireland must be the only country in the world with an “aspiration” in its constitution, with no plan on how to achieve it. As with many people in the south, I’m afraid that Ian d’Alton doesn’t get it. The north is changed and will continue to do so.

Better to prepare for it, as Leo Varadkar suggests. – Yours, etc,


