Subscriber OnlyLetters

The land of crisps and honey

All the honey in the world

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Further to “Almost half of honey in Irish shops likely sourced from countries not identified on labels, research finds” (Conor Pope, News, October 9th), as someone who consumes honey every single day, I find that a bit of a stinger.

I’m pleased to read that this area is soon to be regulated by new EU-wide labelling laws coming into force “before the middle of 2026″.

Let’s add “handmade” crisps to the new regulations because the only human hand involved is the factory staff member pushing the on-off button on the conveyor belt.

Do people really believe that someone peels and slices the potatoes by hand, places a tray in an oven, and then personally fills each bag? – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.