Subscriber OnlyLetters

Heather Humphreys bows out

An exodus of FG TDs

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – I was surprised and disappointed to hear that the Fine Gael deputy leader and Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys has announced that she will not be contesting the upcoming general election and will be stepping down as deputy leader of the party (“‘Politicians are human too’ – Fine Gael deputy leader Heather Humphreys says she will not contest general election”, News, October 20th).

I was shocked when I learned of this announcement, considering that it comes only six months after Ms Humphreys herself was confirmed as the new deputy leader of Fine Gael in April.

I always saw her as a sagacious and judicious Minister.

There were no airs and graces about her and what one saw with Heather Humphreys, one got. I often find that such qualities are today sadly lacking in political discourse and leadership.


One has to respect her decision and acknowledge that her work in public life is now coming to and end. Ms Humphreys had been a public representative for 21 years, serving as a councillor, TD and Minister.

I believe her decision not to contest the general election was an honest and pragmatic one.

I wish Ms Humphreys well in her retirement and I would like to thank her for her sterling service as a public representative. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.

Sir, – Eighteen out of 35 deputies is a lot to lose. Will Fine Gael be hammered at election time as a result? The party has made some major errors and policy failures, not least the housing crisis. Are people jumping ship?

Fianna Fáil is no bargain either. – Yours, etc,

