Sir, – You gave an apt description in your editorial (October 22nd) of “a shifting world order” to the international summits taking place on our planet.
Leaders of the Commonwealth headed to Samoa while Brazil, India, China and South Africa went to Kazan for the Brics summit hosted by Russia.
The Commonwealth is but a paper tiger and a historical remnant of colonial times while the Brics is a growing world powerhouse representing 4.1 billion people of the developing south and 35 per cent of the world’s economic output.
There is no doubt that those increasing countries united in the loose organisation of Brics will dominate the world’s economic, political and military structures in the near future while the present dominance of by the western alliance will inversely wane.
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The peoples of the developing world are demanding a new global economic order based on a just sharing of the world’s resources.
The Brics alliance is the vehicle for these just demands.
Hopefully, the western and the Brics alliances can learn to coexist together in a new world order based on mutual respect and not on militarism. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 9.