Subscriber OnlyLetters

Occupied Territories Bill

A simple solution that Irish people can do themselves

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Letter after letter has been written asking for the Government to enact the Occupied Territories Bill.

If the Government hasn’t lifted, and isn’t going to lift, a finger to enact this Bill, what is stopping concerned Irish people doing something themselves?

Brian Ó Éigeartaigh claims that the produce of Israel’s colonial settlements is still sold on Irish supermarket shelves (Letters, October 23rd). If this is true, can anyone tell the Irish people what produce is being sold and what supermarkets are selling it?

This would allow concerned Irish people to stop unwittingly buying these goods and/or boycott retailers who are selling it. And if retailers can’t sell these goods or are losing custom because enough concerned Irish people are avoiding them, then retailers would remove these goods from their shelves.


And if no Irish people are buying goods from Israeli settlements and no Irish retailers are selling said goods, then the Occupied Territories Bill comes into effect by the collective will of the Irish people, and without the Government having to do anything.

It is amazing that no one seems to have thought of this simple solution before. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.