A chara, – Andrew O’Donovan’s cri de coeur about how offensive he finds Irish language signage is hopefully a minority view (Letters, October 28th). From talking to my fellow citizens, I believe a big majority look positively on the language and would like to see it grow and flourish.
An essential part of that is that Irish speakers should not have to live on the margins and that we be recognised as an equal element of Irish society.
Other dual-language countries, like Belgium or Switzerland or Luxembourg, have no problem in according equal signage so that all citizens can recognise themselves as equal. So why should there be a problem here?
In fact, I do not believe there is a problem, just a stubborn insistence on the part of those like Mr O’Donovan that, unlike children, Irish should neither be seen nor heard. – Is mise,
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Cluain Dolcáin,
Baile Átha Cliath 22.