A brush with a fox

Sir, – Like March in her encounter with the fox in DH Lawrence's novel The Fox I was spellbound.

When I entered my office at Lower George’s Street, Dún Laoghaire on Thursday morning I was confronted by an adult fox who had apparently entered through a rear door which had been left ajar.

We sized one another up: him with cold calm eyes and me so transfixed that I couldn’t reach for my iPhone to capture the moment. Then with an air of confidence, he turned and showing off his black glinted brush sauntered back towards the door and made his exit. The only evidence of our encounter was his fetid smell which prevailed over xerox paper and ink.

Methinks the forthcoming Dún Laoghaire Business Improvement District project is generating interest from strange quarters. – Yours, etc,



York Road,

Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.