A chara, - We visited a small Cypriot Orthodox Church in rural Cyprus late one evening last week. As my wife took photographs, the elderly friendly local, sitting serenely on his own on a bench, engaged me in conversation.
Where were we from? Ireland, I said. "Ah!" says he, "Land of the potato, the best in the world." I laughed heartily, recalling remarks from others of his countrymen about the phenomenon of the Celtic Tiger.
He told me he had a link with Ireland. Nearly 50 years ago, as the Cypriot government agricultural inspector, he had been responsible, through our Department of Agriculture, for the Cypriot decision to purchase and import Irish seed potatoes. Hence the beginning of our own potato export business to the Mediterranean.
He asked fondly about Ireland and was full of respect for the land and its people and knew it had changed over the years. He confided that he himself was "on the road to the cemetery".
I did not say a word about all the Cypriot potatoes we now import. But isn't it nice that they are half-Irish and that our contribution is remembered with affection in that beautiful country, so rich in culture and antiquity? - Is mise,
EOIN Ó DOCHARTAIGH, Moyola Park, Newcastle, Galway.