A long time on the bus

Sir, – October/November is the busiest time of the year for travel on Dublin Bus (Paul Stuart, November 25th). During morning and evening peak times the maximum Dublin Bus fleet is in service and is augmented, whenever possible, to provide additional capacity on main corridors. On the morning in question (November 13th) there was a bus on this corridor every two minutes between 8.30am and 8.50am. Despite this high frequency, it was peak time, meaning higher customer loadings and when combined with heavier volumes of traffic, especially at this time of year, it is always advisable for customers to allow a little extra time when making their commute.

The fact customer numbers are growing is a positive and welcome sign after a pattern of decline due to the recession. It is also a direct result of the improvements that Dublin Bus has implemented over the past few years: including more direct and high-frequency cross-city routes due to the Network Direct project, the convenience and value now available through Leap Cards and the arrival of Real Time Passenger Information on street, online and via smartphone app for all Dublin Bus services.

Dublin Bus is building on these improvements and planning for future customer growth while continuing to provide a quality service for Dublin. – Yours, etc,




Media and Communications

Manager, Dublin Bus,

Upper O’Connell Street,

Dublin 1