A misconception

Sir, – Róisín Ingle's Magazine article (February 1st), poignantly focused as it was on the issue of unidentified fatherhood, led to Sarah Ironside (February 4th) thanking your engaging journalist for reminding us that Ann Lovett's unwelcome pregnancy wasn't a replication of the immaculate conception.

Doubtless Ms Ironside has the virgin birth of Jesus in mind, and she wouldn’t be alone. However, paternity issues vis-a-vis the Mother of God aren’t in question here. The significance of the immaculate conception is more readily gleaned when visited as gaeilge; Muire gan smál; Mary without stain. It has its origins in 4th- century Augustinian doctrine that sees the rest of us born in original sin. Later it would be decreed that as the chosen Mother of Jesus, Mary herself was conceived/born without original sin, without blemish or stain, immaculate. The phenomenon was delivered to his flock as dogma by Pope Pius IX in 1854, and, as we know, is celebrated on December 8th. – Yours, etc,


Station Road,


Sutton, Dublin 13.