A need for income tax cuts

Sir, – Brian Hayes, not for the first time, is simply wrong when he states (Home News, June 24th) that there is so scope for any income tax cuts in the forthcoming budget. On the contrary, our tax system has become so unfair and imbalanced, and the growth of poverty so alarming, now is the perfect time to make adjustments that will cut the level of tax paid by those on low incomes.

We need at least two additional tax bands to increase the take from high-end incomes while lowering the take correspondingly from those at the lower end of the socio-economic ladder. Not only would that bring more fairness, it would increase the spending power of those with less, thereby giving a substantial boost to the local economy – it isn’t rocket science.

Mr Hayes simply needs to understand that good governance transcends ideology and the scales will fall from his eyes. – Yours, etc,



Rathedmond, Sligo.