A question of length

Madam, - I normally look forward with interest to the many and varied letters published in your editorial page each day

Madam, - I normally look forward with interest to the many and varied letters published in your editorial page each day. However, today (August 24th) I am disappointed to see that one letter takes obvious precedence over the many other potentially interesting contributors to your page. In general, most letters are concise and to the point in accordance with your stated instructions: "The Irish Times receives a great many letters each day and it is possible to find space for only a small selection. When writing, please be as concise as possible". It seems obvious yet again that rules apply only to the "little people" whereas someone like Sean Dunne is provided with an open platform to peddle his wares! - Yours, etc,

PAT CREEDON, Phibsboro, Dublin 7.

Madam, - Has Sean Dunne now added to his list of biggest and most expensive, the honour of having the longest ever letter published in The Irish Times? - Yours, etc,

DES DORIS, Oliver Plunket Avenue, Monkstown,  Co Dublin.