A time for gratitude

Sir, – Let us give some thought to all those who are unable to travel home this Christmas as we shop for the last present or item of food.

Think of the many thousands of truckers caught on both sides of the English Channel or the passengers stranded trying to get home. Just imagine being stuck in a queue of lorries with a load of perishable goods waiting not just hours but days to get to your destination and wondering whether or not you’ll get home to enjoy Christmas with your loved ones.

Let’s spare a thought for the nurses, paramedics, doctors, care assistants or general employees in hospitals all over Europe who have stepped up to the plate time and time again, and put their own lives at risk to care for others just so that they can enjoy this Christmas with their loved ones.

Spare a thought for the women and men in our police forces and fire services on this island who also risk their lives daily, and especially during this pandemic.


Let us thank our Defence Forces who have assisted in testing and tracing citizens when called upon.

Let’s not forget all those who have worked on our front-lines through a difficult year and who have risked their own safety so that we can reasonably enjoy our curtailed freedoms.

We have so much to be thankful for but we also should remember families who have lost loved ones and who will have a vacant seat or two at the Christmas table.

Even in our darkest moments, as we face an unsure Christmas and New Year, let’s be generous and applaud all those who’ve done so much for us to keep us healthy and safe or who even kept us fed or gave us sound advice during the darkest of times.

Let us remember all those who by their occupation, dedication to duty and sacrifice will not be home this Christmas.

As we raise our glasses on Christmas Day, spare a thought and a prayer for those who won’t be home this Christmas or New Year, and let us remind ourselves how lucky we are to be at that table.

Nollaig shona dhíbh go léir. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.

Sir, – I would like to say a big thank you to all the front-line health professionals who have risked their health and lives for us this year.

I have nothing but admiration for these people who put in such an effort for the wellbeing of others.

May the vaccine roll-out be swift for them. It will be well deserved. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.