A Woman For Our Times

Sir, - Why people in Connacht/Ulster voted for Dana is an enigma only to the cynics

Sir, - Why people in Connacht/Ulster voted for Dana is an enigma only to the cynics. Maire Geoghegan-Quinn's diatribe (Opinion, June 19th) is the best demonstration of why the intelligent electorate in Connacht/Ulster wanted a change from the spiritless, self-interested, narrow-minded and even bitter politics of recent years.

Throughout her presidential campaign, Dana won hearts and minds by her originality, sincerity and intelligence - and above all her sheer genius in communicating with all kinds of people. She not only baffled her foes, but won them with the warmth of her heart. Hence, her European election campaign was on solid foundations.

Surely this is the woman for our times, when our elected representatives seem to be spending a lot of their time, obviously not very successfully, trying to break down human barriers. - Yours, etc., Margaret Desbonnet,

Roscarn, Galway.