Abbey Theatre location

Madam, - I was surprised to read on your Letters page of March 10th a letter from Jimmy Murphy, the playwright, in regard to …

Madam, - I was surprised to read on your Letters page of March 10th a letter from Jimmy Murphy, the playwright, in regard to his lending support to a letter to The Irish Times concerning the proposed Abbey Theatre site.

On February 24th I had telephoned Jimmy Murphy and read the contents of the letter over the phone to him. He said he would be glad to support it along with the other names I had read out to him. I sent him that day a copy of the letter and since I didn't hear from him after that I assumed he hadn't changed his mind about lending his name to it, as the letter had been dispatched at least a week before its publication in The Irish Times. - Yours, etc.,

ULICK O'CONNOR, Fairfield Park, Rathgar, Dublin 6.