Abbey Theatre location

Madam, - The decision by the High Court to uphold the compulsory purchase order on the Carlton Cinema site is to be welcomed.

Madam, - The decision by the High Court to uphold the compulsory purchase order on the Carlton Cinema site is to be welcomed.

The decision should now be grasped by the Government as an opportunity once and for all to relocate the Abbey Theatre on this most prestigious site at the Northern end of O'Connell Street.

The Abbey needs and deserves O'Connell Street and O'Connell Street needs the Abbey. Too much time, energy and money has been wasted to date. As Lord Mayor of Dublin at the time of the unveiling of the Spire of Dublin, I called on the Government to make this decision. The time and opportunity to deliver is now.

The Government can make a huge contribution to the improvement of our premier street and improve the prestige and image of the Abbey Theatre all in one decision. The real choice now lies with the Taoiseach. Can he deliver? - Yours, etc.,


Cllr DERMOT LACEY, Beech Hill Drive, Dublin 4.

Madam, - The chorus calling for a new Abbey is not universal. Last year a public wrangle showed all is not well at the theatre and the clear lack of public concern indicates a lack of enthusiasm for the place.

In the hands of the Abbey, millions could be spent to produce another drab, modernist place without comfort or hospitality except for the preening golden circle that inhabits and protects this public institution at great expense to the taxpayer. In my view, it would be better to build a new concert hall/opera house on the Carlton site and remove the Abbey to the present National Concert Hall, with the necessary modifications. - Yours, etc.,

DESMOND WHITE, Beaufort Downs, Dublin 14.